Friday, September 10, 2010

Work at Home Business

Recently I wrote an article about starting a work at home business. In my article I mentioned that anything worthwhile (especially a home business) takes time, dedication, and hard work.

The same day I wrote that article and submitted it to Google, I received a newsletter from one of my online friends. In the newsletter there was a story titled, There Are 3 Kinds of People. I thought it was important enough for anyone attempting to work from their home that I thought I would share the story in its entirety.

The story is courtesy of the Symbiotic Givers (individuals making things happen, rather then wondering what happened).

"There Are 3 Kinds of People"

Which one are you?

  1. People who make things happen
  2. People who watch things happen
  3. People who wonder what happened

The people who make things happen internalize what it will be like, when the thing to be done has been accomplished. These people tend to talk less and show more by their results.

The people who watch things happen internalize fear. This fear and lack of action makes them a watcher. The playing it safe thought process guarantees that they will only get the crumbs of life, that are left over from everyone else. These people tend to talk more and analyze everything. They always talk about how they would do it differently if it were them. The big problem here is that it never is them; because all they ever do is watch.

The people who wonder what happened internalize their own confusion. Since it is easier for them to just act confused; rather than find out the who, what, where, and why of an occurrence. They never get to really enjoy the sweet feeling of personal accomplishment and becoming all that you can become. These people talk the most. They engage their mouths and let their lips flap away; and then they engage their brain after the fact. Usually the only way these people could say less would be by talking more.

Focus on results and forget the excuses

People of results do not have or accept excuses. Either it got done or it did not get done.

'Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good'

So, have you decided what type of person you are? If not, you may want to take a deep accounting of your self, your life successes, you life's challenges, and your life's failures. What caused each one of these things to take place?

Chances are really good that if your work at home business is successful, or you're on the path to success, you make things happen. And it would be my guess that yu don't wait for things to happen.

On the other hand, if you're struggling, I would submit to your that you are probably just doing busy work. This is the work that does not accomplish anything other than keeping you away from the things that are important, and will put you on the path to success.

As mentioned previously, it takes hard work to build a successful work at home business. However, working hard is NOT busy work, BUT rather the tough work that needs to be done in order to be successful.

The success of your work at home business can only come from YOU! Don't rely on your family, friends, sponsor, or anyone else to build your home business. Don't sit around watching things happen, because NOTHING is going to happen unless you make things happen. And most importantly, stop wondering what happened to my business or what will happen to my business? Nobody has ever succeeded by wondering, what if.

If you plan on being successful with your work at home business, start making things happen. If you don't know where to start, or you don't have a work at home business, contact me. I'll give you some action steps, or show you my TriVita business!

Jeffrey Sloe
Work at Home

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